Northside Dental Group is pleased to provide a full range of dental care services to our patients from Clinton MS and the surrounding communities.
We provide children's, cosmetic, family, general, implant, preventive and restorative dentistry services.
We stay on the cutting edge of developments in dental technology and are very proud to bring denture wearers a solution to the frustrations they may have. Overdentures are a great advancement that locks dentures into place using just a few implants. This means no more slipping and tilting that causes embarrassment when eating or speaking. If you have tried denture adhesives and have been very disappointed, as it simply doesn't hold your dentures in place, you will be very pleased with this alternative solution. Come in and let us discuss with you how we can make your life easier with overdentures. Northside Dental Group David Henry, DMD William L. Boteler, DDS Thomas L. Jones, Jr., DDS 550 East Northside Dr. Clinton, MS 39056 (601) 924-1555
Think back to the days when your tongue served two main functions: licking soft-serve ice cream cones and taunting a sibling when you stuck it out in his direction. But the tongue actually goes beyond melting desserts and young attitude. Here are ten human tongue facts, including some of its functions. The Average Tongue Is Four Inches Long The tongue consists of two parts: anterior and posterior. The anterior tongue is mostly visible and about two thirds of the tongue's total length. The posterior tongue sits near the back of the throat and measures the other one third in length. To read the entire article by Steve Auger, please visit
We take X-rays using digital technology. This means there is no waiting time for film to develop, no pollution to the environment from chemicals that were used in the traditional process, and 75% less radiation exposure than with the conventional method. By simply placing a digital sensor in your mouth, we can view a specific area or have a panoramic image of your mouth to see both upper and lower jaws in one shot. Northside Dental Group David Henry, DMD William L. Boteler, DDS Thomas L. Jones, Jr., DDS 550 East Northside Dr. Clinton, MS 39056 (601) 924-1555
A tooth may be broken or too worn down to return it to full functionality with just a filling. Instead, a crown will be the necessary restoration. Our crowns are very natural-looking, add strength to the tooth, and can save it from extraction. We make our crowns from the latest and most advanced materials to give you a long-lasting, durable, and aesthetically pleasing restoration.
The habit: “Tooth enamel is a crystal. Ice is a crystal. When you push two crystals against each other, one will break,” Dr. Messina says. “Most of the time it’s the ice, but sometimes the tooth or a filling will break.” The solution: Drink chilled beverages without ice, or use a straw so you're not tempted. “The risk of chewing ice is greater than any pleasure that comes from chewing it,” he says. “Besides, ice is really cold!” To read the entire article please visit Northside Dental Group David Henry, DMD William L. Boteler, DDS Thomas L. Jones, Jr., DDS 550 East Northside Dr. Clinton, MS 39056 (601) 924-1555
The habit: Grazing all day, especially on sugary foods and drinks, puts you at a higher risk for cavities. When you eat, cavity-causing bacteria feast leftover food, producing an acid that attacks the outer shell of your teeth. The solution: Eat balanced meals to feel fuller, longer. If you need a snack, make sure it's low in fat and sugar. If you indulge in the occasional sugary treat, follow it with a big glass of water to wash away leftover food. To read the entire article please visit Northside Dental Group David Henry, DMD William L. Boteler, DDS Thomas L. Jones, Jr., DDS 550 East Northside Dr. Clinton, MS 39056 (601) 924-1555